- In Utero: Canyon De Chelley. September 2006.
- Tucson, Arizona. Birth on up.
- Anchorage, Alaska. March 2007.
- Moab, Utah. On the way to see Auntie Britt in Idaho, Summer 2007.
- Salt Lake City, Utah. October 2007.
- Boise and Payette, Idaho. Visiting Britt, Summer 2007.
- St. John. Visiting Nana Liz & Pops for a beach vacation, Christmas 2007.
- Puerto Rico. Side trip to see Jimmy & Esther, Indigo, Uncle Bill, Aunt Laurie, and Andrew. New Year's 2008.
- Bisbee, Arizona. February 2008.
- Anchorage, Alaska. Summer 2008.
- Girdwood, Alaska. Summer 2008.
- Flagstaff, Arizona. September 2008. Here is one from the way home.
- Denver and Boulder, Colorado. June 2009.
- Omaha, Nebraska. June 2009.
I hope to see and post pictures for these last two soon. And I hope you follow at least some of these links. It is a joy to watch June grow.
It is awesome that you put all of these travels in a spot on the blog. I wish I knew all the places I had gone as a child. Impressive to say the least.