Recent treat

I love cooking things I can feel proud of. Things I think are healthy, that are easy, and that turn rotten moods into good ones. (Since everyone I know gets grouchy when hungry.) This recipe for granola is one of them.

Try it yourself here. The version I have made follows this recipe, except that everywhere it says "cup" I substitute 1 "scoop" from the bulk foods aisle at our grocery store. I guess that probably makes a much bigger batch. And I think this is also why I do not find our granola to be too sweet, as some of the comments to this recipe mention.

Our version uses almonds and cashews instead of pecans and walnuts, just because those are what we have around. We also have been adding flax seeds, coconut, and cranberries. Yum!

Last benefit: it makes your house smell delightful.

I have been wanting to try granola for a long time because Nana Liz has made it for Pops for something like 20 years. I can see why.

1 comment:

  1. We too have been enjoying home made granola this year. Yours looks and sounds delicious.


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