
A little bit of house lust ::

This weekend Adam and I did some modest repairs around the house.  Adam took apart the bench he made me last summer.  Since living in our house, the wood dried out to such an extent that the legs were turning into an A shape.  Needless to say, he wasn't exactly happy about the do over, and is less excited about fixing the cracks in the table top.
I covet this kitchen.  Source.
He also took down this 1980s "hood" and cupboard that was above our stove and matched nothing.  It left an ugly space, but feels good to have it down.  (Now we just need to cut out a hole in the wall there, to have a view through the living room of the court yard.)

I want to copy this bathroom stool idea.
And look at the cute thing hanging in there.  They must never use that shower... ?
My chores were a lot less substantial, but just as good feeling.  Cleaning the bathroom, kitchen, living room - including all the floors.  Making up a tasty batch of barbocoa, which once June finally tasted, she asked me to make every night!  I was also the driving force behind about 6 loads of laundry.  It is amazing how much laundry piles up around here.

These 3 kitchen photos are all from, an article which caught my eye in part from the Salinger title.
Check it out here.
I totally love it.
In fact, would even move to a town like Charleston in order to have the same restoration opportunities.
At least it is on the beach....
Sweet J and M practically watched movies all weekend.  And tagged along on trips to Lowe's, played with the pink backpack, and did lots of snuggling.  I want to note for the record that it is adorable the way M says "glubbs" (gloves) and that right now he is not a baby, not a little or a big boy, but a KID.  And don't even bother arguing with him about it.
I love the painting on board above the fireplace.  Source.
Sadly, I had to neglect my many art projects this weekend.  I'm getting so close to finishing the alphabet illustrations that it feels fantastic.  I've also lined up a printer who will print them as flashcards for me.  Right now I am designing what will go on the back of the card, so expect a post soon requesting your opinion on what to use.  I'm working on a little cartoon "persona" which is kind of fun and kind of a challenge.

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